Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Centaurea pindicola (Cyanus pindicola)

Centaurea pindicola (Cyanus pindicola).

  Cyanus pindicola, also known as Centaurea pindicola, is a mountain species of Greece, Albania and the former Yugoslavia, occurring on a wide range of altitudes. A dwarf form of the plant is found in the alpine meadows of Olympus, where it forms small rosettes of woolly grey-green leaves that produce solitary white flower heads on short stalks.

  Ο Cyanus pindicola, γνωστός επίσης ως Centaurea pindicola, είναι ένα κενταύριο των βουνών της Ελλάδας, Αλβανίας και πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας, το οποίο απαντάται σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα υψομέτρων. Μία νανώδης μορφή του φυτού φύεται στα αλπικά λιβάδια του Ολύμπου, όπου σχηματίζει μικρές ροζέττες από πολύ χνουδωτά γκριπράσινα φύλλα, οι οποίες παράγουν μονήρη λευκά κεφάλια λουλουδιών πάνω σε κοντά στελέχη.

The following white flowered centaureas with the long stems should be a color variation of the C. triumphetii or Centaurea montana alba (White Cyanus montanus):
(Thank you Dimitar Georgieff)


  1. Both forms very beautiful but the alpine form is just amazing.


  2. There is some mistake, because the long-stalked Centaurea photos belongs to Centaurea triumfetii -white flowering form. Centaurea pindicola and Centaurea triumphetii are two different species.

    1. Thank you very much! I have been carried away from the color!!! You 're right; the white flowers here should be a color variation of C. triumphetii.

    2. Thank you for the understanding.
      these is some considerable closeness between Cyanus pindicola and Cyanus diopolitanus.
